Okay, so I am aware the title is an oxymoron but what are you gonna do? lol
Life is going well, no real news to report. I kept a blood sugar of 129 across the weekend and then this morning it was up to 175....I didn't walk for the past three days but will get back on that today. My eating has still been right on track. I did make some pita chips this weekend but they were made from good stuff at home.
I need another water bottle cause I can't seem to keep up with the one I have and I don't like sharing water bottles within the household for various reasons.
A little discord in the household because some people like to lie alot but its all good because I always land on my feet so I just gotta remember that I have to count on me and stop letting other people think I need them when they could give a crap less about me.....ya know!
I'm hoping for a good solid week, those are my plans anyway....looking forward to the weekend already but I will make sure to find something to enjoy about each day on the way there. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day so far and if not get busy making it a good day.