Before Pictures

I will be gathering some pictures of what I looked like at the beginning of this journery to post here......stay tuned.

This is one before pic of me:

Here is another before pic of me: 

When I start to feel like the way I look has ACTUALLY changed....I will post more.


  1. You look so fabulous! Imagine how you will feel once you get 'after' photos up here! :) Keep up the great work!

    1. I know, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will be happy with my results. Thank you so much for your kind words!!!! You look fabulous, I'm hoping to look at least 50% as great as you do!!! Truly inspiring you are.

  2. You are beautiful. Can't wait to see your transformation!

    1. Awwwww, thank you so much. Ya'll are too sweet. I really appreciate your kindness and encouragement. I am doing my best and am so happy to have you as support! Go Water!


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