Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hot Dog Salt Crap Madness

So my head feels like it's about to burst off right now because I have been stuck eating hot dogs (lean kosher) but hot dogs alllllllllllllll day long. Hot Dogs and I don't usually get along anyway however, due to lack of planning, I now have to deal with this.

Note to self: Cook some food for the next day. You can't just wing it anymore! Winging it is what got you over 300 pounds....get up and cook for your more hot dog days. blech....

So, I am going to get to my 5 Liters of water today. I'm drinking my third right now so I know I can do it. I'm excited because this will be my first day with 5 under my belt. 3 has become very easy to do and 5 will be all I need for the day. So excited about that.

I have to make sure I pick up a card so Mom can get something in the mail on Saturday, it's nice to get greeting cards instead of bills in the mail. I am gonna go pick one up today.

I was thinking that my blog is probably supposed to be informative and help people grow personally and change and have new insights and blah blah blabbity blah, but I also realized that I am not Sally Jesse and this ain't her blog either.

This is a place for me to spout my random logic and to complain and to celebrate. I'm not gonna take myself too seriously here. This is meant to be helpful in keeping myself on track, so that when things are looking bleak I can reflect on how far I have come in this journey and pull up my boot straps and keep stomping.

Another person's blog that I subscribe to was saying how they ate (pause: I feel like I am gonna get a nosebleed right now from all this hot dog salt crap madness...extra lean...HA) pizza and drank booze, pretty much just caved in to some desires that they had been having in the midst of their Dukan journey......I wanted to comment on the post but because my phone sucks and I can't find the blog from my computer I will just comment here......

To Shann's Blog something: Choose Life. If life for that moment means to you pizza and booze, then have some pizza and booze. The important part is getting over that part and getting back to your "goals" in life and you made a goal to do the Dukan and get it together, stick to it and get there. Everyone is on your side and pulling for you, everyone that matters that is. It takes a long time to break bad habits and you are not a machine or computer so don't beat yourself up. You confessed it in a public forum, even flogged yourself some, now stop the punishment and tell us about what you are doing to get back on track. You wouldn't know the feeling of success if you didn't know the acrid taste of failure. Be happy you can still feel to know that you still want to change.

Alright, that's all I have to say about that.

I am ready to go home already. I love my job. I do. But I love being at home too....Kinda like doing the Dukan and wanting Pizza and booze huh? lol. Such is life.


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