Thursday, June 28, 2012

Inches...I wanna be a pig.

Inches are noticed going up as well as down.....

I have been wondering about how it is that I feel like I am ballooning out of control due to some rotten food choices but my weight has not changed. Meaning, I didn't see the spike that I expected to see.

It has occured to me that the inches are the thing to watch very closely......

Some pants and shirts are feeling much different than they were before and I was like, but my weight hasn't gone up or down...yes, my dear but your inches have.

Tape measure is coming out this weekend and I will post all of the measurements so both you and I know where I currently stand. That is what is going to make the difference. Can't get caught up in the "pound" thought process anymore, they are some tricky little devils.....

So, sidenote, we were just talking in the office and we were discussing committment vs. involvement.

It can be equated to a Ham and Egg breakfast......

The Pig was committed.....The Chicken was involved. (Let that thought simmer for a moment)

We have to be the pig and not the chicken when it comes to taking hold of our relationship with food.

I wanna be a pig.


1 comment:

  1. LOL at first I was like... what? You want to be a pig?

    I get it now :P

    Yeppppp completely agree with you about the inches, 100%

    It's absolutely true. Your scale might be wonky, you might be holding onto water, gaining muscle, etc etc.

    There are a milion reasons why your weight might fluctuate or not really reflect your current fitness or diet efforts, but the inches, the inches NEVER lie.

    Can't wait to see those measurements!!!


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