Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer Camp Sign Up

Verdict: 326.4

So, I am going to get my daughter enrolled in summer camp. It is the county summer camp program but it builds character anyway.

I had to go to the frickin base youth center summer camp ran by teenagers when I was coming up and I made it out alive......lol....so, she will be fine. Socialization at its fine, bare bones.

I am up about 4.2 pounds and I knew that I was up. I am a bit ashamed to have to report that but at the same time, I'm not gonna pull any punches. I am going to get back on track and stop trying to wallow. This is ridiculously tough right now but I owe it to myself to try to make it through without gaining back every pound I have lost in the process.

I haven't been taking my medication correctly, haven't been doing any meditation, haven't been doing any exercising. So, its time to get back on task.

I have readings tonight and I REALLY don't want to go. Part of it is me punishing myself and the other part of it is me wanting to just go home (and wallow). So, I will more than likely go.

I am praying that things change in my personal relationship. I know what I want to happen and hopefully God will lead it to that place. I am going to try to remain calm and hopeful in the process.

Hope everyone is doing well.



  1. Hi, I nominated you for the Sunshine Award!! Enjoy!

    1. Ummm...YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!! Hugs and thank you a WHOLE BIG MUCH.....I still have to send out nominations for the Leiber too.....I gotta get on the job.


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