Hello All,
So remember how I was saying that my blood sugar was doing well.......pump the brakes! I have no idea what is going on but it shot up on me today. Last night it was 85 and this morning it was 177...I took a second reading and that said 198!!!!! WTH???????
I have been really strict on myself and I have been doing what I would call very very well, what is the right hook from the diabetes department??? How dare you little sugars......I'll get you and your little dog too.....
Anyway, I am not going to fret, I have been taking my medications as prescribed, drinking my water and eating on plan...so, what's that you say??? Where is the exercise part??? Yeah, that thing. I do need to get on the good foot in regard to that.
So, that's it...red alert has been issued regarding why I need to exercise because I refuse to allow this good track of blood sugars to go wonky while I'm trying to do the right things....stuff like that makes you wanna say "I should have eaten the cake"....maybe looking at it cause the issue...I don't know, I just know I will not get frustrated and use this as an excuse to get off track.
I'm full speed ahead right now and I am going to keep moving forward. Scales went down again today, so that is a plus for me.
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