Friday, August 24, 2012


Hey All,

So, it is Friday, yet again. Yay!

Thank you for all of the wonderful suggestions for how to get groceries without taking out a second mortgage.

I am getting is straightened out. I have realized that I really need another way to contact someone to be supportive and vice versa other than just the blog.

I enjoy blogging when I am doing well, but I get kind of recluse when I'm NOT doing well and having someone to text or chit chat with on the phone would be much more beneficial to me. That way there is none of that "dropping off the face of the earth" behavior because I can ignore my email 24/7 but I have my phone on me like it is an appendage.

NOW, don't get me wrong, I'm not the best at answering and replying because I never have my ringer on. However, I am much more accountable to my phone than I am to logging in to the computer without heading straight for facebok to play games and not writing on my blog.

These are just real observations of my overly human life people.....tsk tsk me if you must but my brain is just wired in a way where I can turn this blog off in my head for a series of days and then I end up feeling ashamed to come back especially reporting that my weight hasn't budged or it has gone up. Very self defeating...

I'm a pretty good conversationalist and as long as it isn't an international call, I can make it....I have verizon so even better if you do too....Let me have it people!!! Who needs a text or chat bud? Don't jump all at

Seriously though, I'm available. Never know, might make a friend too!


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