Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Starting Again.....dejavu????

Hey All,

So, I have decided I'm just going to keep starting again and again and again until I get this thing right. My thought for today is a car with a full tank of gas. That is where I am right now. My tank is on FULL!!!! Which means that I should work on the maintenance of my "vehicle" and work on using gas and pimping my ride!!! :0)

I am having some yogurt for breakfast and I will probably have some tuna for lunch....Dinner is up in the air right now but I'm thinking chicken. We will see though. I am going to focus on keeping fluids moving through my system today and that is all I am pledging.

I hope that everyone has been doing well.

For anyone that actually reads this blog, I hope that I am demonstrating (although I wish I wasn't) that weight loss and changing a hard coded lifestyle isn't always as easy as 1-2-3. Sometimes A-B-C's get mixed up in there but I will not give up on me. I won't let me get me. I'm going to keep pushing forward and make these changes.


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