Saturday, May 19, 2012

Gripes about Blogs.....

Hello All!

It is the perfect kind of day today for me so far. Didn't wake up feeling anxious, got into the bathroom first and even got to the leftover fajita meat from last night!!! Even Cade is sleeping in late, the dog isn't whining... life is good.

Until I came out to find some more blogs to follow.....

Now, I am of full understanding that the people I find the most info on are all people who are at goal already and the ones that are that still post, I applaud you and I am thankful for you!!! I NEED to read your stuff to get me through some tough spots. So, this post isn't about you types....

The type I am talking about is:

1. Great Writer - Engaging - Funny - Humble - Witty - Exposed and MISSING!!!!!

I am so exhausted with going and looking up blogs and it's been 10, 8, 6, 5 and 4 months since the last post was done. The worst part is that these people haven't reached goal but they have left it like they have just given up. I read through these long forgotten blogs and I see so much success, so much hope, so much normal behavior and then it's like they got snatched by aliens and there is no closure as to why they are totally gone.

Everyone has bad days and everyone has weak points. I guess what I am trying to get at is that, when I am in my weak points, sometimes finding you at a weak point allows me to find something positive to say to you and in turn encourage myself.

You start a blog to be accountable. You have to write in the blog to be accountable.

I don't have it all figured out and I have a long, long, long, long way to go. However, I know that I want to keep providing some kind of feedback. It may not mean the world to me that I logged in and said, "Day is okay, not much to report, just a hum-drum but I'm sticking to plan", but it could be the one post that keeps one person on track for just one meal.

Just saying. Tighten up your blog game people. Cause I know that you are at least supposed to be on Consolidation or Stabilization so quit acting like you lost your weight and life is perfect now. If it is GOD be with you and bless your perfect behind. However, I'm sure there is something valuable you have to give back even if it is just a nudge to say, I am here and I did it, keep pushing, you can do it too!

That is all for right now.

P.S. More recipes that can be modified...stay away from the cheesy and fatty ones...


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