Hey Everyone,
I am having a great Mother's day. I am still being extremely bothered by this thing at work. I want and need to let it go and just enjoy my moment, one day at a time type of living. It just really bothers me when someone fails to even try to understand where I am coming from when they are personalizing or going through whatever they are going through and putting their emotions off on me like its my problem. This is a common occurance with women in particular, in my experience. Working with a bunch of women is challenging. I am trying not to be one of the cackling brood, but it gets difficult when people keep putting their crap off on you.
This is one aspect of my life that has allowed me to pack on the pounds. Always accepting responsibility for other peoples emotions. People emoto-vomit on me and I lick it up like a sick dog. Carry it around with me and then feel miserable for no reason that I can find an origination of on my behalf besides giving a damn about another human being.
If there was a way that I could create a bubble around myself that would bounce those feelings back onto the people who were trying to shovel them down my throat. Make them responsible for their own crap for once.....I would probably look like Tyra Banks!!!! Instead I look like Gilbert Grape's mom.
I used to think the answer to dealing with people dumping on me would be to say how I feel and get it off my chest to them so they could understand why it was wrong what they are doing. However, after more time to mature, I realize that some people are so emotionally inept themselves that the whole reason why they dump on others is because they refuse to deal with their own emotions, so that goes to say that me trying to explain why what they are doing to me is hurting me is a total waste of breath because they are too vacant to even understand what they are feeling, why would they give two craps about how I feel? They won't. Which is why I have found the best defense is to LOVE on me and that is what I am focused on doing. That's the best medicine for me, loving me more. So, I am in the process of creating and upkeeping a torrid love affair with me......P.D.A. and all of that.....with my fine self......cheese! (smile cheese, not dukan cheating cheese) :0)
Went to Whole Foods and got some good and fresh foods. Spent too much of course but I feel good about not having to eat all wally world food for the next couple of weeks. Yay! Oh yeah and plain non-fat classic greek yogurt is horrible!!! It tastes like paint thinner smells. Won't be using that for anything besides cooking with it and feeding it to the dog, it's good for her digestive system. She is a puppy and had to have worm treatments, so she can eat it.....yay! Boo for me though. Blech.
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