Yep, that's right!
Verdict: 325.2
Eek! A mouse.....
It has taken 3 weeks since I began cruise (the entire cruise) for my body to let go. I hope this starts a rolling snow ball of continuous reduction.
I read somewhere that your body kinda goes into panic mode when you lose alot of weight really quickly (even if it is water) So, with that being said, that explains why it has been such a push for the weight to start to let go again. I lost damn near 15 pounds during my attack and that was only set at a projected estimate to lose about 7 pounds I believe, so I doubled that. My body was like "HIT THE BRAKES" and I have moved up and down since then.
Except for today. Today the sweet taste of victory is mine, mine all mine all mine all mine all mine all mine....Woot! Who would think anyone would be so happy about weighing 325 pounds huh? lol. I am!
So, key changes were, Zumba and a walk at lunch. I can do that. It is hard to get away from my desk during the day because I have to be on so many phone calls, but I am going to have to make the push for me. I am very motivated today.
Now, on to other "life" stuff. I have become a not so awesome money manager. Hopefully next month I will be able to swing this new grocery bill a little better as we have had an investigative type of month figuring out the things we like to eat on PP days and PV days. I will still go to whole foods for some select items but as far as "grocery shopping" gonna have to stick to wally world until I get my finances straightened out some more. We are technically "BROKE" until payday and that is nearly 9 days away. It is really not cute. I hate being broke and I have an overdrawn account. SUCKS! I know I have gone wrong on spending a few of those dollars but we had some important expenses at the beginning of the month that we didn't really plan for and so it goes. 9 days with no fun money.....or gas money....boooooooo. lol. GOD will provide, just gonna plan better next month.
I have a fairly challenging call today at work that I am not quite sure about but I will make it through the best I can. Sometimes I don't feel very prepared for those things either. However......lest we NOT forget.
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