Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Okay, so.....

Hey All!

So, I have pretty much stopped blogging because I haven't had a doggone thing to report as I have been pretty much off task.

HOWEVER! Today is a new beginning, it is the first day of school for my little miss....she is officially a 3rd grader and I am so very proud of her!!!!

This also marks the first year that I turn to prostitution to fund her private school education. (Joking) However, things are tight like gnat booty financially because of the adjustments that need to be made to make sure she is in the type of learning environment she needs to be in to be the best that she can be. I am willing, able, ready and excited.

So this leads to how to get back on track with Dukan on a budget. I am on a journey to figure out how to do this on a tight budget. Since we have been trying to wrangle this money together to the tune of 420 a month (that is already reduced by 200 worth of scholarships) I have been eating rice and pasta and soups to stretch things out. I haven't turned to beans yet, so I am pulling up the reigns and thinking of how to get what I need from things like, I don't know...ummmm....canned tuna or salmon, hot dogs, turkey bacon, chicken. I know some of this is alot higher in fat than I need but I need to get somewhere near the plan.

Any thoughts or suggestions???? I can't go grocery shopping again until after the 1st of the month when I get my paycheck (only once a month.....ugh) but I am still committed to trying. I am labeling myself the comeback kid because I will comeback and I will succeed!!!!

Today's menu:

B: 2 Boiled Eggs

S: Yogurt (NonFat)

L: 2 cans of Tinned Tuna

S: Coffee

D: 2 Chicken Breasts

We will see how it goes....

P.S. Moonday......thank you for checking in on me, that particular weekend you asked about..well, I actually did very well. I heart that you checked on me.

Hugs to you All!!!!!


  1. No problem :-)
    Cheapo Dukan friendly:
    Seitan is a vegetarian protein allowed without restrictions on Dukan. If you buy it in a healthfood store it is super expensive. If you make it yourself, it's super cheap ... it's basically wheat protein. Making it is really easy, messy, and fun. Just put "make seitan" into google and find a recipe that rocks your world.
    Lentils are theoretically only allowed if you do vegetarian Dukan, but I'd prefer them to hot dogs or other crap any day. They have less carbs than other legumes (beans), so if you like them, they might be a good option. Definitely cheap.
    Buttermilk: a tall glass of ice cold buttermilk is really healthy and fills you up. (It has nothing to do with butter ... almost no fat.) If you like the taste, this is way better than "real" milk as a snack.
    Remember: cheap, calorie dense foods such as wheat and pasta make fat. No way around it. That's what they are designed for ...

  2. Omlettes are my saviours! quick to cook and very filling. I'm liking tuna ones at the moment. Tin of tuna, bit of cheese, eggs (I normally use 2 yolks and 3 - 5 whites). Hope you can make it work. Keep your chin up xoxo


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