Friday, August 31, 2012


Hey All,

So that is the number for the day. It's good number, a number I haven't seen since I started this thing....hoping off and on has not helped but I am finally back on with a seat belt and things are moving along at a decent pace.

Yesterday was an all around bad day personally, however, I am doing alright today. Lots of bills to pay this month so I'm not really sure how in the world I am going to make it through the month but God always provides and things come from amazing places to keep my family safe and covered by his grace, so I won't worry my life away over it. I do however have to be aware of how I am paying on things and how I am spending on things. Those are two TOTALLY differen things.

Well, wish me luck for the day and I wish the same for each and every one of you.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Blood Sugar Spike???!!!

Hello All,

So remember how I was saying that my blood sugar was doing well.......pump the brakes! I have no idea what is going on but it shot up on me today. Last night it was 85 and this morning it was 177...I took a second reading and that said 198!!!!! WTH???????

I have been really strict on myself and I have been doing what I would call very very well, what is the right hook from the diabetes department??? How dare you little sugars......I'll get you and your little dog too.....

Anyway, I am not going to fret, I have been taking my medications as prescribed, drinking my water and eating on, what's that you say??? Where is the exercise part??? Yeah, that thing. I do need to get on the good foot in regard to that.

So, that's alert has been issued regarding why I need to exercise because I refuse to allow this good track of blood sugars to go wonky while I'm trying to do the right things....stuff like that makes you wanna say "I should have eaten the cake"....maybe looking at it cause the issue...I don't know, I just know I will not get frustrated and use this as an excuse to get off track.

I'm full speed ahead right now and I am going to keep moving forward. Scales went down again today, so that is a plus for me.


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Feeling Great!

The scale is starting to move again. I am excited because I will be able to go grocery shopping either tomorrow or Friday and stock up on some more palatable items.

How is everyone else doing today?


Tuesday, August 28, 2012


So.....the office ordered pizza from my most favorite pizza place in Charleston, SC!!!!! Arrrggghhghhdhgahdfhlasdnhfpai h'wef'pids[djfashidflk'msd<> mfsjkcbhvio sn'vcmksd;kfj!!!!!!

I'm not stressed. lol.

I just thought it would be a good idea to blog about it.

I have a co-worker who is supportive of my endeavors and said to me. When people "mess up" often times we ask them "What made you think that was a good idea", when in reality the question should be "What made you think that was not a bad idea"

Once you allow the gate to open with, "Well maybe just this once" is when the flood gates of hell open wide and swallow you inside....lollolololololololol....Haaaaaa (ok, crazy cackling witch moment is over)

I am stronger than pizza. They will only be making it with even more pizza pizzayness when I get to goal weight and besides that I know how to make it Dukan style. Can't whip it up here at work, but I can if I have to have it.

Pizza wasn't even on my mind today, so how can I pine away for something I didn't even want in the first place. It's a trap and I have seen it an supassed it!


Me: 1
Crap Food: 0


A week of good behavior????

Um, yes....that would be me behaving well. I'm being such a good girl...

I have been sticking to plan and making it a part of my life. I think I have been having an issue in the past with feeling like I should have sides of this or that and not just one component to my meals and losing sight of the fact that food is's been like a vacation for me most of my life. So forgive me for my delay in mind change regarding how I view the (FOOD).


I am changing my mind around about a lot of things lately, changing the diet or rather what I am eating is not good enough...It is going to do me zero justice to force myself to stick to a particular way of eating or exercising and fight myself on it the entire way and then wonder later why the weight is creeping back on. I have to completely CHANGE MY MIND ABOUT LIFE. 

I can't continue to view food and alcohol as medication or luxury or reward or punishment. It has to be viewed as  fuel, well the food anyway. The alcohol is a complete other issue. It really isn't an issue at all besides the fact that sometimes I feel as though my winning personality isn't enough on its own and for that  I forgive myself, because truth be told, I'm some of the best company I know.

I have alot of photos to go through and alot of journals and poems to re-read. I have alot of photos to take and a lot of journals to begin. I am traveling in self - discovery and I am choosing to rule my existence instead of wondering what the next meal is going to bring.

Planning out every detail works of some people. I have tried to brainwash myself into it, but sometimes one size does not fit all and if I expect to get out of the size that does not fit me, I have to change my mind.

It's changing....Hope all of you are doing well and feeling confident and focused and powerful and useful in this vast universe....My hugs are out there for each and every one of you....BE WELL.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Holding ON!

Hey All,

I am happy to report that I have been successfully back on track for about 4 days now, which is a good umpteeeeenth start for me. Yippee!

I have been eating clean and not falling into the trap of sneaking in carbs. I am working on weaving some movement back in as well. I'm excited about this week as I am finally getting paid again and hopefully I can get some yummy food items that will make me feel like a well eating queen again.

I may even threaten to make some seitan...haven't quite decided yet though. I have been working on my meditation lately and that has been very helpful as well in keeping my mind on the right track. I'm super excited about each day right now. I'm holding on to that too.

Hope everyone is keeping on track and feeling good about their choices....sending out great vibes to all.
