Monday, April 8, 2013

So it has been over a month since my last post...

.....and I have decided that I am going to stop apologizing. I will come here and post when I feel like it and when I don't I won't and until I have a better attitude that is just that.....Hmph!

Alright, aversion tantrum complete. I am going to do a better job but I really am not going to apologize...I am perfectly imperfect and to quote everyone's fave baby dinosaur "Gotta love me".....

I have stopped smoking. Don't know if I every mentioned that I did on here before but I did. I always told my doctor that it was 2 or 4 cigs a day but in reality it was half a pack or more a day depending on how I was feeling....I still tell the same "2 or 3" drinks a day lie but I am working on that too! Don't judge me!

But this is my 4th week not smoking and I am pretty damn proud of myself. I was smoking for silly reasons anyway...because a friend of mine used to and I wanted to be like her over 15 years ago....pure insanity.

I'm maturing though and dropping all these cutely wrapped packages of crap I have collected throughout life. Smoking was one of the worst and I have to say that I can actually thank those "Tips from Smokers" commercials for the success in actually quitting.

The one in particular that made me go.......NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! was the one where this womans finger tips and toes were all gone and this young man's legs were gone due to cardiovascular disease which promoted poor circulation from smoking!!!!!! It's horrible to think of. So, I quit. Thank you PSA's. The link is here:

Then to stay quit, I have been watching another stop smoking commercial from Australia......this one is not for those with week stomachs so if that is you do not watch the linked video below but shock treatment works best for is very jarring but helps me remember why I have quit when the cravings try to get the best of me. The link is here:

So, moving back to weight I have to work on my drinking. That I will be reducing over the next couple of cold turkey on that one....but I will reduce by one each week until I am down to zero, shouldn't take more than 2 weeks to reduce the frequency and volume both.

I have lost about 4 pounds....but I know I can do much better. Need to add back in the exercise and the oat bran.

How is everyone out there doing? Talk to me if you can. Hugs to you all. I miss my bloggy buds.....Hugs!


  1. I think you are doing great! Anytime your able to recognize things you need to work on with self, and you do it, is an accomplishment. No matter how many times you have to start over, your doing Great! Keep up the good work.

  2. YAY for stopping smoking. Well done. Proud of you too!!!
    I haven't been blogging very regularly either, but I do pop back every week or so. I'm getting better at this Dukan thing every time I restart. I'm up to week 9 of this episode :-)


Please Share Your Thoughts And Motivational Comments.....rudeness will be deleted....hugs!