Monday, May 7, 2012


Hello Again,

Verdict: 327.3

Okay, so I'm back down some today and I am wondering if I should just ease back to having a weigh in once a week instead of everyday because I am officially on a roller coaster (hands up and outside of the cart and all). Except, I don't throw my hands up because I'm having the best time ever, I am throwineng them up because I want to quit!!!! NOT QUITTING, however, it's not helpful to feel like I have ballooned out of control on one day and the next that I'm down and feeling happy again. I'm not gonna be able to do that to myself and stay on track. I know me and I know that I get too wrapped up in numbers and totally discount the way I feel.

It's back to work again for me today. I don't have any food prepared, which I am going to take care of in just a  moment here. I have a gang of implementations coming down the pipe, so I will need to be very effort focused on having the right foods on hand. I have to be on the phone with clients at 4 hours at a time to train on the software they purchased from us. So, to prevent myself from munching on shelf stable crap, I am going to need to be sure to have some bite size protein available and on hand. Maybe a lil dip of NF cream cheese and dijon would be awesome with my "bite size" stuff as well.

This morning I am feeling a little anxious and tired. I stayed up until 3am because I couldn't sleep. The good news about that though is that I did get in about 10 minutes of Zumba. I know that is like nothing but it is more than I have been doing in the way of exercise, so that was a triumph for me and I will take them as they come.

I am going to focus on drinking water and NOT SMOKING for the first day. I am very motivated right now, even though I am sharing my "true" feelings, I do need to say that I feel it is the right time to get this smoking thing done for good. I wanna whiten my teeth and I can't do that while I am busy browning them.....kinda counteractive. Besides, since I haven't really STARTED exercising, I can replace my cigarette cravings with ACTIVITY. Novel idea, right? I know, I will thank me later. As for now, I'm going to try to quit smoking. It's weird that I just decided to stop smoking in the middle of my post.......random. Whatever, I'm gonna go with it.

I'm gonna come up with my own motivation phrase each day as well..... :0)

Here goes the first one: Stupid people, don't join em....beat em, but not about the head and shoulders that's just gonna wear you out and make them ask why the sky keeps falling.

Alright, so maybe not motivational to all but I get where I'm coming from, so since this is my blog and I have zero comments so far, that works for'm silly.


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