Friday, May 25, 2012

I did it again....

Hello All,

Verdict 323.6

Another decrease.....exciting.

I think I'm gonna stop weighing myself for the week. Just thought I would share that because it is the latest and I know of it, so why not give up the goods!!!???!!!

I'm having a better day today. I had a really long and drawn out call today. However, I split all the files correctly and imported with no errors from my file at all. I was very pleased with the results of the call. Yay Me.

I did my Zumba again last night and I actually made it through the entire video this time. Was I out of gas, yes, but I finished it dog gone it!

I feel proud of myself when I do my exercise.



  1. Good luck not weighing yourself for the week.
    I have a hard time with not weighing myself every day, curiosity just gets the better of me.

    Also, glad you are feeling better! One day at a time!

  2. You should be proud when you exercise!! Well done.
    Thanks for my birthday song :-) my son tried to sing along with it, very cute!


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